Friday, May 12, 2017

People that don't know how to shut up

I honestly cant tell you how much I hate stuff. I know that sounds stupid but I have so many pet peeves. So many I can't even count. Here are a few things that really bother me:

1. People who chew loud with their mouth open
This honestly grosses me out so much. It's like why? Why do that? It's so irritating, nobody wants to hear you eat! Sicko.

2. People who scuff their feet while walking
I hate these people. It's so annoying that I can hear them before I even see them. It seriously physically hurts me because I just can't. I don't know it's just annoying.

3. The feeling of chalk
Touching chalk makes me cringe. I don't like it.

4. People who don't cover their mouth when they cough.
This is disgusting. Don't you ever cough without covering. You are spreading your disgusting germs all over the place and it's gross. I swear when someone's coughs in MY direction without covering it takes all of me not to punch them in the face. It's gross. Just cover your mouth.

5. Slow Walkers
I can't stand the people who walk slow. They make me want to push them out of my way. I know that's pretty violent but they get me so aggravated.

6. Slow Cashiers
I sort of feel bad for these people. I don't know anyone who would want to be a cashier. I understand you're having a bad day and hate your job but I have places to be. Right?

7. People who talk over you
This gets me very mad. It's like one minute you're talking then the next you're not. This is vey annoying and makes me upset. Most of my friends do this to me to get me mad and I don't like it.

8. People who seal the ziplock bag without removing the air
This is so irritating. I just want to go and take the bag and pop it. You never seal a ziplock bag with air in it, that's just the rule. You must be some monster if you do.

9. Adults who say "Yummy"
I cringe every time I hear that word. I've never really used it. Only when I was like 3 years old but that's it. Now when I hear an adult, a grown person, say the word "yummy" it's weird. It's like why? Why would you do that to yourself?

10. People who never shut up
This gets me very aggravated. Like sometimes you need a break from all the talking and you'd like some peace and quiet but no. That one person who doesn't know how to shut up is ruining everything for you. It's also really annoying because not only do they talk a lot, but hey say such stupid things. It's like why do you want to say that? Do you understand how you sound right now?

11. People who don't know what personal space is
Not only does this gross me out but it creeps me out. It's like ok, thank you for breathing your gross
germs in my face. Not only that but these people are so close to you that you can barely even breath. It's just weird why someone would want to be that up close and personal. Like I'm fine standing three feet away from you. I can still hear you so what's the problem?

12. People who sag their pants
I'd honestly be mortified if someone saw my underwear. Why do people do it on purpose. It's just disgusting. Like no one cares about your new Calvin Klein underwear so pull up your pants and buy a belt. Like I really hope they trip or something. That's an equal punishment right? Like nobody wants to see your butt. Nasty.

13. Too many commercials
There's literally a time when this gets so bad that I don't even remember what I'm watching anymore. It feels as though the commercial breaks are every 5 minutes for 10 minutes long. It's not fair. I don't care about the new product that can help you lose weight, or fix your hair, or teach you how to tame a lion. I DON'T CARE! All I want to do is just watch my t.v. show :'(

14. People acting like they're hurt or sad just to get attention
I cannot tell you how much I can't stand this. I've had many people do this to me and it's not cool. They're manipulating you. They're having their own little pity party and is hoping you'll rescue them when honestly they need to get over themselves. As you can see I get very upset about this topic and I don't understand why people do this. They take advantage of you and it's not okay.

15. Unnecessarily loud breathing
This is just weird. It's like you're in a quiet room, and then you hear that one person just wheezing in the corner. I honestly am scared for their physical health. I don't know if they're doing it on purpose or if they really have breathing problems. Like, are you okay? Do you need some help?

16. Wrong carry-out order
This makes me very mad. Not only did they give me the wrong food but I'm super hungry and you just got yourself in a very tough situation. I cannot stress enough how much I love food. It's just always there for me and I appreciate that. So, when someone gets my order wrong, when someone messes up my food, I go crazy! It's really annoying because I'm taking my time and giving you my money and you mess up my order! Is it really that hard, or are you just stupid?

My friend Andrea wrote a similar blog, make sure you check it out Andrea's Blog


  1. While reading this I could already tell who they were about. I couldn't stop laughing at some of your reactions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First of all, I love your new background! Second I feel the same way for basically all of these especially the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th. I feel the 14th more because there is this one person who constantly does it to me and the next day they just pretend like it never happened. Just remember, breath when you witness these things because if not you will want to hurt people
