Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Slice of Life: Summer Bucket List

     I'm gonna be honest and say that I've never really liked school. I've never liked the idea of getting up way too early in the morning to go this place called school and then learn all this information that I would probably never use in my future. But, when it comes to eighth grade and leaving to go to high school, I feel like crying like a little baby. I'm trying to most of this last year with all my really good friends. Not only that, but I'm trying to make the most of this summer. This summer is the very last before I go to high school and it's really scaring me. What I've decided to do is make myself a Summer Bucket List. I'm going to try my very hardest to do everything I put on my list and hopefully I will have a really great summer.

1. Ride A Roller Coaster

 I've never been the biggest fan of roller coasters. I've always felt that there was no need to go on one. But then I grew up and everyone was going to Great America together and I never wanted to go. I've always felt that I'd
1) Cry
2) Pass out
3) Throw up
4) Pee my pants
5) Die
So I've never wanted to go on a roller coaster. But, this year our eighth grade class is getting the chance to go to Great America for one of our field trips. A part of me wants to conquer my fear but then another part of me wants to stay a chicken and never go on a roller coaster. I just don't know what to do but hopefully I'll know.

2. Go On A Plane

As you can probably tell, I don't enjoy being high up in the air going who knows how fast. Ever since I was like 5 I've always wanted to go and get away. I've always wanted to go to California or New York, somewhere far away. But the thing is, I am absolutely terrified of flying on a plane. I'm very stupid and naive so when I watch the news and someone crashed a plane I get anxiety and think, "I'm never going on a plane." But you see, I'm even more stupid because I want to be able to take picture of the clouds and sit in the airplane seats and eat the cheap airplane food. I'm a very indecisive person. I'm not sure whether or not I want to go on one but my family and I are taking a trip to California over the summer. Whether or not I'm going to have to suck it up.

3. Take A Picture Every Day
It might sound lame but I really like photography. I've been asking for one of those Nikon cameras for the longest and I'm really hoping that this summer I will be able to get one. Either way I want to challenge myself and take a different picture every day all summer long. I've always loved taking pictures and capturing the moment. I actually want film and photography to be one of my majors in college. I feel that if I practice now I'd be great later on and I'll be able to succeed in a career of taking pictures. Also, summer is the perfect time because I feel that everything looks so much more alive and colorful which helps me take different, cool pictures.

4. Hanging Out With Friends

I know what you're thinking, Emily why? Well the answer is that I want to make the most of my summer with my friends because this might be the last year I get to be with them. I'm going to a different school than most of my friends and we're all going our separate ways and starting new chapters of our lives. I want to be able to have great memories with my friends before we all leave each other and meet new people. It really sucks to just think about leaving half the people I know. I'm going to be leaving friends that I've known since kindergarten. I want to just have one final goodbye before we all leave.

5. Go Camping... Kinda

I've only been camping once and I don't really count it as camping. One year for the Fourth of July, my whole family went to Yogi Bear. We rented out this huge cabin and stayed for a couple of days. This summer I want to go camping again, sort of. The thing is, is that I want to go camping in my backyard. My backyard is also pretty big so I don't think it would be such a hassle. It's a really good idea to because, you're having fun and saving money! Win, win! I'm also really big on décor so it won't be so much camping but more glamping (glamorous camping) I want to decorate my backyard with cool fairy lights and have our tents stocked with food, blankets, pillows, etc. This was like every kids dream. My childhood consisted of me constantly asking to sleep in the backyard but getting rejected every time. I think it would be great!

I'm not lying when I say that I have a list of 34 things that I want to do this summer. But these five are probably my top five that I just really want to do over the summer. I hope you enjoyed this lovely blog post and I hopefully influenced you to also have a great summer!


  1. That sounds pretty cool..I myself am not a fan of heights..or roller coasters or planes. I like the idea of a summer bucket list, I might have to make my own.

  2. Btw, "Nanut" is my last name. My one teacher just calls me that because it's kinda funny :)

  3. Your summer bucket list sounds really cool and it is cool that you have one. I love roller coasters and they are so cool, they give you this amazing rush. I like/dislike camping but you would really have a great time, it let you really connect with nature. I hope you have an amazing summer break! :)
