Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Impact of the Holocaust

In the movie Life Is Beautiful it tells the story of a father and his son that were taken away to a concentration camp during World War II. Throughout the movie it shows their DVD tire on staying alive and pushing through. During our Holocaust unit we read poetry that was written by children while they were in death camps during World War II. Between both the poems and Life Is Beautiful they had many similarities that involved the overall message of the poems and movie. They both gave such a powerful influence on the audience and left you thinking. Not only that but it showed how real the situation was and how both kids and adults were severely affected.

The overall moods of both the poems and the movie I would say would have to be sad, something along the lines of the feeling of loneliness and loss. Both pieces showed the situations as something that was so horrific but beautiful at the same time. When you read the pieces of poems by the children you think to yourself how it was such a tradegy for these kids to have to live through this. But, in Life Is Beautiful the two main characters, father and son, both show different points of view on the situation. The father understands everything that's happening and is welorking to keep himself and his son alive. On the other hand his son thinks everything is a game and hiding will give him the most points so that he will eventually end up "winning" Both point of views really have an emotional meaning and leave you in tears.

Throughout the film you could really feel the love that the father had on his son and vise versa. Life can really be shown as beautiful throughout this film even though the plot was in a tims of tradegy and horror. An example of life being beautiful is when the father had explained to his son that them being at a concentration camp was all a game. I interpreted this as being beautiful because it really shows the love a father can hold for his child. Also, the consequences that could've gone with what he said didn't stop him from keeping his little boy happy and safe. He risked his life to make sure his son would be alright. Another example is when both the son and father are being loaded on the train to the concentration camps and the wife had demanded to go with them. The father and son are Jewish when the wife isn't. She risked her life to be with her family. That really shows how even in the worst situations life can be beautiful.

This is the scene of the wife demanding to I'm 
be on the train with her family.


  1. We watched Life is Beautiful as a class in school, and the whole time I was trying to keep myself from crying.

  2. I watched that movie too in school. It was really sad but like the title says it was beautiful.
